Functions as Monads and Applicative Functors
Posted on March 27, 2016 by Taran Lynn

This is not a tutorial, it is just some of my thoughts. I expect the reader to be familiar enough with monads to recognize if I’ve made a mistake. Please contact me if you see any errors in this post.

Functions are Monads

Functions are monads, which also implies that they are applicative functors. This can lead to some interesting computational models. Functions implement the Monad class as

instance Monad ((->) r) where
  return :: t -> (r -> t)
  return = const

  (>>=) :: (r -> t) -> (t -> (r -> s)) -> (r -> s)
  f >>= g = \r -> g (f r) r

Where ((->) r) is similar in form to Map a. Both of these are defined to be monadic over their second type argument. This means that (r -> t) is monadic over t, meaning the types for return and bind ((>>=)) have to be t -> (r -> t) and (r -> t) -> (t -> (r -> s)) -> (r -> s), respectively. The first signature is obviously the same as const, hence this is what return is defined as. The operation of bind is, however, far more interesting. Consider

foo = do x <- id
         y <- sqrt
         return $ x + y

If we use this function we find that foo 4 is 6.0, and foo 9 is 12.0. On closer inspection it appears that foo is a function that passes its argument to id and sqrt and adds the two results. Or, in code

foo r = (id r) + (sqrt r)

To find out why this is let’s do some transformation on foo.

foo = do x <- id
         y <- sqrt
         return $ x + y
    = id >>= (\x -> sqrt >>= (\y -> x + y))
    = \r -> (\x -> (\r' -> (\y -> x + y) (sqrt r'))) (id r) r
    = \r -> (\x r' -> (\y -> x + y) (sqrt r'))) (id r) r
    = \r -> ((\y -> (id r) + y) (sqrt r))
    = \r -> (id r) + (sqrt r)

In general, we find that if we replace id and sqrt with any functions f and g, then

do x <- f
   y <- g
   return $ h x y
= \r -> h (f r) (h r)

Something even more interesting happens when we look at sqrt >>= (+). This function is exactly the same as foo. If we analyze it we see that it expands to

do x <- sqrt
   y <- (+) x
   return y

Notice that y will expand to (+) x r, and x will expand sqrt r, which when combined gives

(+) (sqrt r) r = (+) (sqrt r) (id r) = (sqrt r) + (id r)

A Practical Example

One example of the usefulness of this is

data Customer = Customer { getName :: String
                         , getEmail :: EmailAddr
                         , getAccountNumber :: Integer }

custComp :: Customer -> a
custComp = do name <- getName
              email <- getEmail
              accNum <- getAccountNumber
              return $ someComputation name email accNum

Without using do notation, this would instead be

custComp :: Customer -> a
custComp cust = someComputation (getName cust) (getEmail cust) (getAccountNumber cust)

Functions as Applicative Functors

I find that using the fact that functions are applicative functors to also be useful. First let us look at the trivial implementation of Functor for functions.

instance Functor ((->) r) where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> (r -> a) -> (r -> b)
  fmap = (.)

This isn’t particularly interesting until we consider the applicative implementation.

instance Applicative ((->) r) where
  pure = const
  f <*> g = \x -> (f x) (g x)

The function foo can now be written as (+) <$> id <*> sqrt. The practical example can also be written as

custComp :: Customer -> a
custComp = someComputation <$> getName <*> getEmail <*> getAccountNumber

I personally find this preferable to the two other ways of writing custComp, as it is both concise and informative.

Why Does This Matter?

Using functions in this way allows us to write algorithms that use the results of applying the same argument to multiple functions in a clear, concise way.


As shown by the above image, we can write algorithms that are only concerned with the outputs of f, g, and h, but still produces a function from x to some result.