Implementing a Dependently Typed Language
Posted on May 21, 2017 by Taran Lynn

I’ve recently implemented a dependently typed language called TTyped. It took a little over a week to complete. This project allowed me to learn how to implement a type checker, as well as the difficulties of implementing a dependently typed language.

Ramping Up

Before working on TTyped I wrote a series of projects that built up to it. I first implemented the untyped lambda calculus, then the simply typed lambda calculus, and finally System F. Implementing the untyped lambda calculus was easy, even with lazy evaluation added on top of it. When I started implementing the type checker for the simply typed lambda calculus I quickly learned that my view of how a type checker worked was wrong. Starting from C++ or Java one would think that a type checker simply determines whether a value matches its given type. For example, in the declaration String s = "foo" we simply have to determine that "foo" has type String. However, before we can determine that "foo" is of type String we first have to determine what type "foo" has. This hints at the main task a type checker has; to determine the types of terms and optionally determine whether they match our expectations (or throw an error if they can’t be typed). This distinction becomes more apparent in a language like the simply typed lambda calculus where we don’t state the return types of functions. For example, consider what the type of (λx : a. x) would be if a was some type. In the body of the function we know that x is of type a, and since x is the returned value the return type must also be a, thus the type of the whole function is a → a. Now consider what the type of (λx : a. (x x)) might be. In the body of the function we know that x : a, and we also know only function types can be applied, so when we see (x x) we look at the left side of the application to see if it’s a function type, which it isn’t. The expression is thus untypable, so we throw an error.

Next, I decided to tackle System F. Even with parametric polymorphism added in the type checker wasn’t that different from the one for simply typed lambda calculus and was rather easy to implement. However, at this time I decided to implement a reducer that reduced terms to their normal form, as compared to the evaluator that I had been using that a simply lexical scoping scheme. I immediatly ran into the problem of lambda capturing of variables. After much heartache I decided to use de Bruijn indices, which vastly simplified the problem of reduction.

To Dependent Typing

The next step after System F is System Fω, but I decided to skip it and go to full dependent types. The first version of TTyped was based on intuitionistic type theory trimmed down to non-cumulative universes and functions. I later made the universes cumulative and added finite (bottom, unit, boolean, etc.) types. However, a couple of things left me unsatisfied. One problem was that I could not pass the identity function to itself, since an identity funtion over the nth universe belong to the universe n + 1. This also meant that I couldn’t properly Church encode data. To able to handle all the data types I wanted I would thus have to add three built in inductive types, namely sigma, sum, and well-founded types. I haven’t yet implemented these.

Seeking a way around these limitations I turned to the Calculus of Constructions (CoC). I forked the implementation out into a second branch and started implementing CoC based off of Coquand and Huet’s 1986 paper “The Calculus of Constructions”. The implementation was fairly straight forward, especially with Coquand’s thourough and detailed discriptions. In the CoC the type of types * does not have a type and isn’t allowed at the value level. This removes the need for universes and allowed me to pass the identity function to itself and to Church encode data. Unfortunately this meant that Church encoded data either had to operate over types or values, and couldn’t operate over both.


I think I prefer the CoC implementation of TTyped over the ITT version. It is simpler and more flexible from a programming perspective, although from a logic perspective I believe it would be harder to use. Overall, both were fairly easy to implement and were fun to program in. For someone wishing to implement their own dependently typed language I would suggest reading three papers. “Constructive Mathematics and Computer Programming” be Martin Löf gives a short description of ITT with cumulative universes. In “A Tutorial Implementation of a Dependently Typed Lambda Calculus” by Andres Löh, Conor McBride, and Wouter Swierstra lead the reader through implementing a dependently typed language (called LambdaPi) in Haskell. Finally, Coquand’s paper is a must read for dependently type theory.